#exercises for beginners
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promtad · 1 year ago
Effective Exercise Routines for Total Body Fitness
Are you tired of trying countless exercise routines that promise total body fitness but fail to deliver results? Do you find yourself questioning the effectiveness of different workout regimens? It’s time to put those doubts to rest and discover the exercise routines that truly work wonders for your overall fitness. In this article, we will delve into a variety of exercise routines, each designed…
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breelandwalker · 2 years ago
Witchcraft Exercise - Creating Correspondences
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There are dozens of plant species in the arsenal of the green witch. Commonly-used varieties and usage varies somewhat between traditions, but most of us are fairly familiar with industry standards like basil, bay, rosemary, sage, and so on.
But what do you do when faced with a plant that has no listed magical correspondences anywhere that you can find in your witchcraft library? Simple - you create some.
Allow me to demonstrate with a little plant I found in my own backyard. It's a common weed called Virginia copperleaf (Acalypha virginica). But despite it's widespread range and abundant growth as a field weed, there are surprisingly few references to the plant in regional folk medicine and none at all that I could find in contemporary witchcraft.
So in order to incorporate this hardy little weed into my practice, I set about creating some correspondences for it.
First, I researched the physical properties of the plant. It is a small annual spurge with long taproots, a resistance to drought and many herbicides, and a reputation for fast growth and being difficult to eradicate from fields due to prolific seeding. The leaves turn coppery-red in the fall and small spiky flowers bloom among the foliage. It is also mildly poisonous. The juice of the plant may cause contact dermatitis or a mild rash in some people and if ingested, it may cause GI symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.
Next, I researched references to the plant in folk medicine. I could only find a single reference that cited copperleaf as a possible diuretic and expectorant. That does track with the previous mention of GI symptoms, but it doesn't mean the plant is safe to use. I did discover that an alternate name for the plant is three-seeded mercury or mercury weed, likely because of its' tendency for fast growth and the fact that it is propagated by the wind.
So now comes the business of creating the correspondences, using the physical properties of the plant as a basis.
The first and most obvious association is strength. Any weed that is resistant to drought and herbicide and uprooting is bound to be useful for spells involving tenacity and fortitude. Prosperity is also a likely use, both because of the name copperleaf and the way in which the plant grows and spreads quickly. Because of the alternate name mercury weed and the wind propagation, it could be used for wind magic or communication spells. (I often associate the element of air with communication and the name of a messenger god is right there as well, but your mileage may vary.)
The plant could also be used as an ingredient for baneful magic, either to bind and frustrate someone's efforts by consuming available ground where their ambitions might grow, or in its' capacity as a mild poison, to cause physical discomfort and stomach trouble.
So in the end, I have a handful of copperleaf and a listing in my witchbook that details the properties of the plant and notes that it could be useful for spells involving strength, tenacity, prosperity, wind, or communication, as well as possible baneful uses including binding, discomfort, and sickness.
This is my system for assigning correspondences to previously-unknown plants, and I encourage readers to use it as a template for their own practices or to create their own system. Either way, I recommend the use of a field guide or plant identification app like PlantNet to properly identify plants as you find them. Remember to forage and harvest responsibly, be a good steward of the land around you, and always label your plant cuttings.
Happy Witching! 💚🌿
(If you're enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. You can also check out my show Hex Positive wherever fine podcasts are heard. 😊)
More witchcraft exercises here:
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starwolfie · 4 months ago
@dragkbluire , I painted your Time to practice some background effects and do my own attempt at dramatic lighting. 😉
I think it turned out okay, not as great as yours, but I’m just a beginner!
Thank you for letting others exercise with your gorgeous art!
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dotsunflowers · 6 months ago
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trying something a little softer | ID in alt; description also available below the cut
[Image ID: Digital fanart of TK and Carlos from 911 Lone Star. Drawn in a soft sketchy style, with fuzzy edges and no hard lines save for a detail outlined here and there, TK and Carlos are pictured lying down together. Their eyes are closed and they are possibly asleep. Carlos' head is rested against TK's chest, and TK has an arm around Carlos. /end ID.]
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freeonlineworkouts · 5 months ago
Yoga Poses
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liesmyth · 1 year ago
do you have any advice for people looking to get into running but are extremely out of shape and overweight? like best ways you think to start slow without hurting yourself and build on it
Hi! Every time I get an ask from someone wanting to get into running it makes my day 100x better thank you sooo much for asking ❤️
I don't know what your definition of "extremely out of shape" is, but if you currently can't handle running for an extended period of time, work your way up with long walks, or walk + run intervals, until you can handle 30+ mins of continuous exercise. GET RUNNING SHOES FOR THAT ALSO. Your body will thank you.
My general beginner running tips post applies + I really recommend paying extra attention to joint care. Running is an extremely high-impact activity — you're slamming your entire weight on the ground 100+ times a minute, and the greater your weight the bigger the strain. I can't stress enough the importance of keeping your runs shorts at first and listening to your body (15 mins 3/4 x week is already a lot!) but generally, strengthening your lower body goes a long way towards healthy knee joints.
Strength: I've already recommended Jay Johnson's Strenght & Mobility routine, but if you're feeling fancy I'd also suggest working your way up to weighted squats, lunges, and romanian deadlifts (2-3 sets, 6-8 reps, using whatever you've got around the house that can serve as a weight). As I said in the og post, I can't recommend enough looking into core activation, which will help a lot if you have breasts that bounce when you run. Big boobs back pain is real.
Chafing prevention: this can be a bitch, unfortunately. Jiggly bits (inner thighs, skin folds, breasts) can chafe a lot, and if possible get leggings / shorts / bras with as few seams as possible and anti-glide gel — if you have declathon in your country, their anti-chafe cream is good and pretty cheap. If you have never heard of declathon, you're probably in the US and I know there are good brands over there also. (This part is unfortunately born out of anecdotal evidence, i.e. my dad, who went on a 10km jog and then couldn't walk for like a week. Chafing is the crotch killer)
Stretching! I'm a hypocrite and don't stretch nearly as much as I should, but don't be like me. Some stretching tips from sports physiologist / very Fast Guy Pete Pfitzinger under the cut.
Again I'm very flattered you asked me!! GOOD LUCK lmk how it goes <3
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radiotransmissionaac · 3 months ago
start list mostly personal use but hope help others maybe:
Yoga moves that require very little physical exertion or postural changes.
(Good for stretching, not too much moving your head at different levels or having your head significantly below your heart, mostly lying down or on all fours.)
Child’s pose
Frog pose
Cobra (variations for intensity)
Happy baby
Half lotus
if you know of any others please let me know and will add them to list.
I’ve been trying to get back into any form of moving my body as a disabled person and I find myself doing a lot of these organically when I need to stretch my body out.
My biggest problems with other beginners’ yoga is too much postural changes with my head (like in downward dog) or just too much physical exertion (like warrior pose).
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wandering-bells · 2 months ago
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Another quick one to say I did two (less saturated to compensate for tablet being hella saturated)
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lynxfrost13 · 8 months ago
Oh goodness… first time trying to do weights in a LONGGG ass time..
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writingprompt-ledgers · 5 months ago
Ashen Thrones
In a kingdom where rulers are crowned by consuming a potion made from the ashes of the last monarch, a new heir refuses to drink—revealing a hidden truth about the ashes.
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Workout Tips for beginners/chronic pain
For those of you who don’t know me I am trans and physically disabled (also autistic and have anxiety and depression and ptsd) anyway working out has been something that was totally off the table for me for a long time but lately my energy and motivation have improved somewhat as well as my dysphoria being worse which has made me want to try to working out again.
This legitimately isn’t a post I ever thought I’d be making but being pre T and closeted it felt like the only thing I could do to have some control over my body and I really wanted to try. It took me a couple of months after first getting the idea to actually feel like I was in a place to try and as well as finding a good program. I really didn’t want to put money into this especially because I had no idea how it would go, I’m currently on my second week of working out so I thought I’d share some advice for anyone else in a similar position.
Also, as a disclaimer, not everyone with chronic pain or other disabilities can exercise and there’s definitely been times when I also couldn’t so this purely for people who are in a place where they want to and are safe to try.
- Balance is everything, I say this as a total hypocrite just to be clear but if you haven’t worked out in a long time (I would say it’s been around three years for me) you can’t expect to go super hard right away
- Don’t worry about speed or reps or anything like that, doing your best is the most important thing and trying to take that pressure off yourself helps
- Honestly do fewer reps, shorter times, modify or substitute exercises, skip certain things- none of that is a big deal even if it feels like it is and whether you can do some of it later or not it’s okay
- I don’t see physical results yet which isn’t a surprise but I can feel more muscles when I flex my stomach which is cool and even after a week and a half with a lot of rest days I can do more than I could at the beginning
- Low impact is still a hard workout and it is much easier on your body, highly recommend for people with chronic pain
- Now one of the most important things I’ve learned is that I do not have the option of not warming up and doing cool down stretches, my body cannot handle it if I skip those steps which unfortunately makes everything take so much longer but again for anyone with chronic pain it’s probably better to cut down the harder bits and do a warm up and cool down
- The one time I did skip cool down stretches because I had errands to run and thought walking around would be enough I couldn’t sit or stand up straight the next day because I was in so much pain and the muscles in my hips and legs hurt so badly I had to take a break for several days
- I’ve also found that doing full body stretches after working out significantly reduces pain the next day (at least for me) to the point where after a week of working out I feel more sore than in proper pain
- If certain exercises are too much for your body skip them or do another exercise instead, the pain really isn’t worth it and it’s way too easy to injure yourself or cause a flare up
- Sometimes you can do exercises at the beginning but can’t do multiple reps, I’m serious about listening to your body, especially if you’re disabled. I pushed myself a bit too hard today and managed to hurt my wrist and neck (wrist because I did too many workouts in a plank position and the weight on my wrists was too much, neck from crunch type exercises that strain my neck which can cause headaches/migraines the next day)
- Not related to physical disability but I have some demand avoidance tendencies and personally not telling anyone in my life I’m doing it has been one of the most helpful things in not having to deal with external pressure or expectations (I know for other people outside accountability helps so it just depends on what helps you)
- If money is a concern or you’re not sure if you’ll be able to be consistent long term just working out in underwear is a good option, also there are tons of different types of free bodyweight workouts on YouTube, the only thing I’ve bought so far has been a mat
- Onto the next point, get a mat, preferably s as thick exercise mat with a lot of cushion and not a yoga mat. I didn’t realize there was a difference but there absolutely is and for me having more cushion makes a huge difference on my joints
- I personally have been doing Chloe Ting because I’ve seen a lot of people with a lot of different body types get results after being consistent and because after trying it for a week I feel stronger. That being said they’re also not easy and I have made a lot of adjustments and had to take breaks after causing flare ups but all these tips have helped me find more sustainable ways to exercise instead of doing it once and burning out
- I don’t do explicit cardio EVER, I have tachycardia and get dizzy and lightheaded really easily so even doing bodyweight exercises and low impact my heart rate ranges from 150bpm-180bpm the entire time with breaks.
- Also, drinking lots of water is supposed to be good, I don’t track it but I try to stay hydrated and it probably helps
- Prioritize sleep if you’re able to
- Hot showers after working out also help me manage muscle pain
- Finally for food I’ve been trying not to eat unless I’m actually hungry as I have a habit of eating if I’m bored and trying to incorporate more healthy food into my life rather than cutting anything out. Also healthy being subjective, I’m trying to eat healthier than I used to but that still isn’t like tons of salad and veggies and stuff so whatever you can do is fine
- I’m definitely not following all these myself but I’m working on it and trying to improve
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breelandwalker · 1 year ago
Witchcraft Exercise - Annual Review
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The end of the old calendar year and the beginning of a new one are excellent times for reflection and recalibration. We do this in our mundane lives by making resolutions, setting new goals, starting new projects, and sketching out our schedule for the coming year. So why not do the same with your witchcraft!
As a journaling exercise, sit down and record how your journey has progressed over the past year. You can include things like spells you’ve cast, rituals you’ve performed, holidays you’ve celebrated, gatherings you attended, new ideas you’ve encountered or incorporated, important lessons learned, and any significant milestones you’ve achieved. It doesn’t have to be fully comprehensive or bite-by-bite - the level of detail is entirely up to you.
(If you’ve already performed the exercise Quantifying Your Craft, then you already have a place to start. If you haven’t, I do suggest doing that first to give yourself a clear set of data and pre-determined information to reference.)
Once you’ve recorded your progress, decide where you want to go next. What new goals will you set? What new subjects do you want to explore? What habits do you want to alter or adopt? Are there any new books you want to read? Places you want to visit? New methods or techniques you want to try? Dream big and then sketch out a path to get you there, or just decide where you want to go next. And don’t worry about accomplishing everything on the list in the span of a year. Whatever doesn’t get done in the short term can always become the seed of something you grow into over time.
Of course, this doesn’t necessarily have to be an exercise that happens exclusively at the beginning or end of a calendar year. You can (and should) review and recalibrate periodically throughout the year whenever you incorporate new information or new ideas or new processes into your practice. This can be done as frequently or infrequently as you feel the need, whether that be monthly or quarterly or annually or just once every few years. Pausing for reflection is a necessary part of any long-term path or project, and it is a good way to both measure your progress so far and decide how best to move forward.
One more thing - Don’t be too hard on yourself or feel like you haven’t accomplished enough or learned enough or progressed enough to be a “proper” witch. Don’t compare your craft to anyone else’s or measure your viability by another's rod. Your journey is your own and will proceed at its’ own pace. Periods of rest or recovery or low motivation or preoccupation with other concerns are going to be part of that. As long as you’re making an effort, you’re doing just fine.
Happy Witching!
Image Credit - Witch Workspace, by Mylène Richard
Want more witchcraft exercises? Check out the masterpost here.
(If you’re enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar, tune in to my monthly show Hex Positive on your favorite podcast app, or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊)
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cxtetootsie · 7 months ago
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Her feet tickled from the prickly threads beneath her, the soft blades yielding to her steps as she danced between flowers, trying to avoid their delicate petals. The gentle breeze lifted her skirt, causing the pink and cream silks to flutter like petals in a summer breeze. Petals swirled through her golden locks, shimmering like a sunset. Her cheeks, rosy and bright, lit up with her laughter, ringing through the air like a musical bell. Her skin, as smooth and luminous as a moonlit flower petal, seemed to blend seamlessly with the natural world as she twirled gracefully, her movements echoing the dance of the blossoms around her.
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sevens-evan · 10 months ago
gym bros love pretending that lifting form is like this insanely technical art form that takes years to master and it’s like. i mean you get better at it over the course of years that’s true but no lift worth doing has that crazy of a movement pattern. in fact most of them feel very natural and mirror things you already do in real life. it just feels like annoying ass gatekeeping trying to intimidate beginners and it’s so dumb dude
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freeonlineworkouts · 5 months ago
yoga poses
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mylanguageclasses · 22 days ago
Understanding 〜てばかりいる in the Japanese Language
Japanese is a language rich with nuance and subtle grammatical expressions. One such structure is 〜てばかりいる, a phrase used to indicate that someone is repeatedly or exclusively engaging in a specific action. In this post, we will explore the formation, meaning, nuances, and advanced usage of this structure. Additionally, we include example sentences, interactive exercises, and practice questions to…
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